My Birthday

On Tuesday the 13th of May, it was my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

When it was my birthday, I was really excited for the activities that we were gonna do. Since your wondering on Tuesday was a public holiday because students in Malaysia did an exam. First of the activities were going to a restaurant to eat. The restaurant is called T.G.I  Fridays. Let me show you the pictures of me at the restaurant.

That is all of the pictures at the restaurant. After that, we went to the bookshop called Popular. I chose three books and my dad bought them for me. As a present, my dad bought me a Nerf gun and he bought one for my brother too. Let me show you.
 This is my brother's gun called the Reflex IX-1.

 This is my gun called Third EX-3.

That is the end of that blog post and there are more coming up soon. Have a great day.


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